We're Better Together!

    Every person has an intense need to be part of a group. There is a desire to associate with others to share his thoughts, skills and learn from others. Having a group is considered as oneness, where the word unity is essential. It is very significant to a group or community as it brings togetherness. It can be seen in almost every aspect of life. Once a group is united, it will be easy to conquer challenges. Unity should start in a small group such as families and communities before it transcends in the country. 

Unity in Family

    Family is the basic unit in a society where it is the building block of every individual before becoming part of society. A person nurtures his personality, character, and beliefs inside his home because it is the first group he belongs to. One of the most important contributions of a family to society is to teach each member to have unity. Proper communication is one of the practices where unity is involved. It has two aspects, such as listening and speaking. Listening means receiving the ideas and feelings of a member, while speaking can convey your emotions and thoughts towards a topic. A family must have open communication. It enables everyone to understand each other and efficiently resolve their problems because they communicated them well. Sharing responsibilities in the household chores also talks about unity. Proper division of work makes the task accomplished. The family head should be wise enough to assign tasks to promote peace and harmony rather than hatred and jealousy. Another practice where unity is shown and nurtured in the family is to be united in spiritual actions. Teaching the children to be committed to God allows them to be as one. It helps a family to have a tighter bond because God is the center of their lives. Every member should partake in spiritual endeavors such as meditating and praying together to make their relationship stronger. Lastly, having fun and creating memories together creates a unity-driven environment for its members. Enjoying leisure time with family helps them keep their connection and make their bond stronger. Therefore, having unity in a family promotes love, understanding, a good attitude, good communication, happiness, and peacefulness. Once a family is united, peace and harmony transcend towards society.  

Unity in School

    School is considered a second home as it gives a student a different experience of learning. It is an educational institution designed to teach students various aspects of life. School is where a person enhances the knowledge he learned from home and learns new information to develop his skills and talents. It is essential in a child's development wherein it teaches not only academically but also a wide range of essential life skills such as good manners, responsibility, sharing, and unity. The school has a significant impact in teaching a person to develop unity. Students learned it first in their homes, but the school improves their social skills. Unity is vital in studying as it helps every individual to grow and build socialization. Just like in a family, unity promotes peace in school once it was acquired. It is a strength for each student because it teaches them to cooperate and participate in every activity. It gives them the value of teamwork and support for each other. The school promotes unity in a way that there are activities that the group should do. It brings accomplishment when a team or a group works as one. Once a group has one goal, it will be easy to accomplish the activity. So school also influences every individual to have a unity that will help them achieve a specific task. It will encourage everyone to also participate in society as they practice unity.

Unity in community

    A community usually defines a group of people living in a common geographical location or a group with the same culture and beliefs. Being part of a community gives us a sense of belonging and associating ourselves with other people. It enables every individual to share his talents, skills, and personal relatedness. The community has a significant role in every individual as it forms unity. It doesn't mean that every person has to be similar. It means that despite the existing differences, everyone will feel that they belong together. It helps the society in creating peace and harmony for its members. Every community has its own ultimate goal: unity or solidarity that will force everyone to socialize and look forward to work as one for a better lifestyle. It acquires equality or fair treatment for the citizens. It is essential to growing together with the involvement of love for the community and its members. The success and strength of the people symbolize the power of the whole community. Therefore, people should be educated in accomplishing their duties that will inevitably benefit one another with great motivations.

Unity in a nation

    Unity is the most essential factor role of every citizen to have a peaceful and developed country. It is a strength of a nation in conquering different issues the country is suffering. It brings organization to every individual. Unity provides a constant source of positive motivation and more remarkable accomplishment, and without it, there is no growth, integrity, and patriotism. It also creates a solid foundation that can solve the social issues of the country. Despite differences, every citizen should build unity to achieve prosperity. As long as the unity of a nation is strong, then the country is powerful. 

   Today, unity is fundamental as we encountered a lot of difficulties and issues in our country. Now is the time to make ourselves intervene on those issues. We need to work as one to achieve success. If you are a youth, this is not only just an invitation to make yourself registered, but this is a reminder that you must register. We cannot do this alone. We need you in this fight. Our fellow man's sufferings are already enough for us to act and correct the unjust regime of those in position. Let's make a better change for our beloved country. We will win this if we work as one. Halina't magkaisa, para sa ikauunlad ng bansa! 


  1. Wow, this is a great topic. This is motivational!

  2. Unity is indeed important nowadays. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Sana nga po ay magkaisa na ang ating bansa


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