Component Method: A Technique for Adding Vectors and Digging Deeper in One’s Life Perspective: Physics Essay

    The realm of humanity unceasingly revolves with the aid of Physics. Several of Earth’s processes and progressions are thoroughly elucidated of the branch of science that deals with the interaction of matter, force, and energy. Subsequently, vectors are one of those rational advancements that truly fascinate the world and undoubtedly, serve as one of the most essential discoveries that applied in the real world. Additionally, the analytical type of vectors specifically the use of the component method absolutely plays a significant role in everyday existence.

    Vectors are used in day – to – day living to locate individuals and objects. In addition, it is used to describe objects acting under the influence of an external force. Through it, one can easily determine both the direction where a certain object is moving as well as the magnitude of the force applied prior to that object. To add up, given the fact that vectors encompass both route and magnitude, an individual can explicate the effect of a force has on an object (Adams, 2003). However, when two or more vectors are to be added, the component method is generally utilized. Hereafter, the component method is unquestionably important when there are several vectors involved. Some quantities require the concept of a vector to capture a meaningful description of them for manipulation in equations that attempt to describe natural phenomena. Similarly, the component method of analytical vectors determines its constituents both horizontally and vertically which is helpful for attempting to describe a certain object considering its location on the horizontal and vertical axis. Technically speaking, this vector addition method gradually helps a person to enhance one’s skills in terms of graphing, plotting points, getting conversant regarding the Cartesian plane, measuring processes such as calculating angles and length, application of Calculus and Algebra, and the utilization of four fundamental operations. Summing up, not only in vector – related matters that component method is substantial but also in our holistic development in our mental aspect. Additionally, as we all know, this topic is quite difficult as it is. This encourages numerous students to strive harder and push beyond the limits in order to be knowledgeable in this subject matter. This drives us to be persevering, process-oriented, mistake–conscious, and formula-obedient.

    As directions and magnitude entail its note worth in our lives, the component method enables us to comprehend on those matters. For without it, our existence seems to be meaningless and purposeless. It is not how we get the sum of our life direction but to make it meaningful along the process. Imagine that everyone’s existence is a resultant force that encompasses the summation of all of its components. Thus, every component is as much important as one another and creates an impact on the whole being. Practically speaking, ideal life is composed of optimism, self – determinism, confidence, and competence, a good relationship with everyone, a support system, goals, and purpose-driven will and faith. With these, one will never lose his or her way in life. So much for that, the component method that is applied in Physics looks a deeper perspective in our life as a person

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