COVID-19 Pandemic: A War to Conquer!: Essay

COVID-19 Pandemic: A War to Conquer!


            “… hindi ito bakasyon, giyera ito!” – Binay, 2020


            Indubitably, the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is the crisis of the moment which instigated dreadful impacts on numerous facets of human lives. It is extensive warfare where warriors are incapable to see the microscopic enemies with their naked eyes. During these times of predicament when the virus divides linkages of mankind, generates prevalent threats on health, creates fear among people, trims down the global economy, raises other societal issues, and challenges the country’s capacity to withstand this devastation, how should we respond?


            As demarcated, COVID-19 is a communicable disease caused by a recently discovered virus termed as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome – Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (World Health Organization, WHO, 2020). Quite analogous to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2002 and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in 2012, the present virus is presumed, as of this writing [1], originated from a bat as its reservoir. Subsequently, it mutated enough in such a way it can infect another intermediate host, a pangolin, before infecting humans causing zoonotic respiratory illness. The SARS-CoV-2 emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019 and is thought to have leaped to humans at the seafood and wild-animal market, where many of the first people to become infected worked (Cyranoski, 2020).


            As WHO (2020) validated, the current virus spreads predominantly through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Signs of infection primarily include fever, headache, dry cough, and shortness of breathing with a maximum of 14 days incubation period. Additionally, other laboratory cases also include fatigue, muscle and joint pain, sore throat, vomiting, chills, and diarrhea as indications. However, patients can also be asymptomatic, meaning they do not display any symptoms despite having the virus in their systems. In more severe cases, it can lead to pneumonia, multiple organ failure, and death.


            The wide-reaching disease is causing several deleterious effects not only on the local community but on a global stage. Foremost, COVID – 19 imposes a threat to life.  As of this writing [2], Coronavirus has infected 532, 936 individuals, caused 24, 095 deaths and 124, 387 recoveries (, 2020). In the Philippines, the virus has caused 707   cases with 45 deaths and 28  recoveries. It implicates a fatality rate of about 3.7 percent with R0 (reproductive ratio), the degree of spread, of two to three persons per infected individual. Older people and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular ailment, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more vulnerable.


            In terms of the economical aspect, business operations are sternly devastated. The stock market declines and voluminous business firms close. All means of transportation are disrupted affecting trade, production, and consumption.  Furthermore, in the educational facet, classes, whether face – to – face or online, are suspended making several educational institutions problematic in providing accessible ways of learning. In health-related fields, testing kits, disinfectants, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves, and respirators, and facilities are unfortunately lacking to combat the outbreak. Lastly, of these bearings, the governmental dimension of the country seems to be in unsolicited chaos. In my perspective, dissimilarities of political views and engagements have caused indecisiveness of applying legal courses of action during these instances.


            Even with interminable and frustrating criticisms of the masses, the government has implemented safety measures in a bid to prevent the furtherance of the illness. Principally, localities in the nation, especially in Luzon, are in enhanced community quarantine or lockdown. The former signifies that the movement of people is limited to access basic services while the latter denotes that exit and entry of individuals in an area are generally not allowed at the borders of the quarantined community (Fajardo, 2020). In my view, this directive is an effective way of isolation of the disease and averting locality contagion. As a response, I, together with my family and the entire community follow the decreed time of buying necessities with only one person with a quarantine pass. Aside from that, curfew hours are strongly implemented and obeyed as violators are constitutionally punished.


            In addition, social and physical distancing is suggested by the authority. The government recommends avoiding public gatherings and maintaining a physical distance of at least one meter (Gyem, 2020). When one coughs or sneezes, fluids will not go for more than a meter. Henceforth, for my viewpoint, it is an indispensable action to impede virus transmission. Moreover, media is a great platform in raising awareness to the public. Practicing proper hygiene is emphasized. As well, it is highly advised washing hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub and covering nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or flexed elbow when coughing. As preventive measures, I’m applying it to myself as well as my family.


            Recently, Congress has approved Senate Bill No. 1413 entitled  “We Heal as One Act” declaring the existence of a national emergency and authorizing President Rodrigo R. Duterte to exercise powers necessary to address the present situation (Magsino, 2020). In line with this, the president has the authority to allocate cash, funds, and investments held by any government-owned corporation and direct the operation of any privately-owned hospitals and medical health facilities to house health workers, serve as quarantine areas, and medical relief. Although some political persons consider certain provisions to be unconstitutional, I personally consider that during this crisis, what is important is to lessen, then totally eradicate, the existing COVID-19. If the government has pure intent to serve our countrymen providing reliefs, PPEs, and education towards battling the virus, then I unquestionably support the bill. Nevertheless, the challenge here is providing transparency which is promised by the congress to be fulfilled.


            Conclusively, as biotechnology firms and government are doing their part, we must practice our shares too. Besides all the glitches, Filipinos must start at the personal level to efficaciously triumph this battle. Additionally, more than anyone else, we are the one who is accountable for withstanding this calamity. Hence, individuals must follow policies and guidelines, practice proper hygiene, let oneself test if symptoms arise, always be informed, and strengthen the faith. Furthermore, pray for everyone, especially the front-liners who are real warriors amidst susceptibility to the disease. There is no space for blame and politics. With our rational actions and relentless invocations, we can flatten the curve and raise the line! After all, we will surmount this war, as one.

 To prevent COVID - 19, watch this!

[1] – the information is retrieved from various resources last March 24, 2020. It may be subjected to change as health researchers continue to seek further findings regarding the disease.

[2] –statistical data are retrieved from on March 27, 2020.  Data may be subjected to further change.




All photos are taken from

Cyranoski, D. (2020). Did pangolins spread the China coronavirus to people? Retrieved from:


Fajardo, F. (2020). Understanding community quarantine. Retrieved from:


Gyem, P. (2020) Physical distancing, not social distancing- WHO. Retrieved fom:


Magsino, M. (2020). Senate bill filed allowing Duterte to realign funds, direct ops of private hospitals for COVID-19 response. Retrieved from:


World Health Organization, WHO. (2020). Coronavirus. Retrieved from: (2020). COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic. Retrieved from:


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