The Founder (Movie): Reaction Paper

Is 'The Founder' available to watch on Netflix in America ...

"Persistence. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent won’t. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius won’t. Unrewarded genius is practically a cliché. Education won’t. The world is full of educated fools. Persistence and determination alone are all powerful".

“The Founder” was a movie that shows different scenarios a business can have either good or bad. The two brothers Dick and Mac were good examples of having total quality management. Not exactly the TQM, but they use the Speedee System personally made by them. It satisfies the customer by providing a quick yet delicious food that's why a man named Mr. Ray Kroc inspired to know more about it. The McDonalds brothers show a great example of the elements of TQM wherein their leadership to conduct the business was excellent through making plans on how to make the operation easier. They also conduct training to the workers in order to determine the best way to operate the products. They never stop to find ways on how the operation will perfectly fit the process. The brothers ensure that the product they sell would satisfy the customers. But the only problem with them was the continuous improvement wherein Mr. Ray did by finding people who will franchise the business. He failed at first because the franchisee didn't follow the process of making a product that's why he finds another person who will franchise and he found out that the spirit of the family was the solution. He coordinates to the people who value family and with that, the business becomes successful. But because of wanting more profit, he becomes more aggressive to find people who will franchise the business.

This enables the brothers to realize that Mr. Ray wants more and it turns into a misunderstanding on the contract. It was the start of a changing culture. Mr. Ray comes to the point of lack of guiding philosophy, core values and beliefs, purpose, and mission of what Dick and Mac conducted before. He betrayed the brothers by continuing to find franchisee and adding more product without confirming it to Mac and Dick. It changes the original menu of the restaurant founded by the brothers. Creating of McDonald's Corporation in the name of Mr. Ray and using the name and logo of what the brothers had founded was like stealing the business. Mr. Ray has no proper ethics and the integrity was gone when he chooses to have a powder milkshake that was against the brothers. The major mistake that the brothers did was giving their trust to Mr. Ray of showing their secret in the business. The McDonalds became known in America because of many franchises and Mr. Kroc was known as the founder not knowing that Dick and Mac was the real founder of McDonald's.

         Overall, it ends with positive and negative lessons. The positive was determination and persistence was the key to be successful. But the negative was never share the secret of your business to people you didn’t know personally.


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