Grow N' Blossom Principle




God is the center of my life

Rejoice and be grateful for all the blessings I received

Over everything, I will always choose Lord our God

Wait and always be patient


Never take anyone for granted 


Be myself and believe in myself always

Live life to the fullest 

Open my heart for forgiveness

Surround myself with great people 

Share the blessings I received

Open to learn and improve

Make a difference by serving others 




God is the center of my life

He is my Father, He is my guidance and I always put Him above all. Having Him the center of my life is the most important thing to live a happy and peaceful life.

-          I always keep a connection with God through prayer

-          I always seek guidance in every action I will do in Him

-          In every situation, I always think of Him if it is according to His will

-          I put Him as my inspiration and strength in serving others

-          I read the bible and make a reflection


Rejoice and be grateful to all the blessings I received

Appreciating even the simple things makes my life contented and happy.

-          I am always thanking God for all the blessings He gave me

-          I am not complaining to the things that I don’t have

-          I appreciate the things I have even the simplest ones

-          I listen to worship songs every day

-          I honor my father and mother


Over everything, always choose the Lord our God

There may be difficult times I encountered in life, but still, I will choose to believe in God. He has a plan and I know that He gives me challenges not to make me suffer but to learn and improve as a better person.

-          I trust and believe in God

-          Even in the darkest days, my faith never changes

-          At the end of the day, I am always grateful to God in prayer

-          I listen to worship songs every day

-          I always pray


Wait and always be patient

Everything is worth the wait if there is patient. Good things take time so I am trying my best to be patient enough on the things that I’m praying for.


-          I trust in God’s perfect time

-          I never get tired of waiting

-          I never questioned God on the things that I prayed for but never come true

-          I always pray


Never take anyone for granted

I always consider every people in every action I did and I don’t want them to get hurt or feel bad. God wants us to love one another.

-          I don’t take actions that will hurt others

-          I always say the truth and my pure intention

-          I never abuse someone’s help


Be myself and believe in myself always

I am unique because I am who I am. I love myself and I accept my flaws. I don’t need to pretend just to accept by others because I will not be truly happy in my life if I am just doing things to please others. No one will believe in me until I do.


-          I believe in my skills and capacity

-          I don’t compare myself to other people

-          I focus on my own goal

-          I never give up on the challenges in life

Live life to the fullest

Nobody knows how long can we live in the world. Life is unpredictable. Therefore, I am embracing the fact that life is short and I am always giving my best every day.

“The greatest tragedy is not death, but life without purpose” – Rick Warren


-          I always do my best each day

-          I cherish the day with my loved ones

-          I am living my purpose


Open my heart for forgiveness

  Forgiveness is good to our hearts. We cannot grow and be happy if we are still holding to the past. God taught us to forgive because, in the first place, God forgives us from our sins, so who we are not to forgive others.


-          I am not instilling resentment to the people who made something wrong in me

-          I always forgive easily

-          I also ask for forgiveness for the things I did wrong


Surround myself with great people

Surrounding myself with positive people is one of the best things to have a happy life. They are one of my inspirations in life and help me to keep motivated every day.

-          I choose the people who inspire me in my life

-          I am allowing myself to be with the people whom I have the same energy and same goals in life

-          I don’t focus on the people who only see the bad in me

-          I appreciate the people around me by showing my love and care to them


Share the blessings I received

Sharing your blessings are one of the things that God wants us to do. Jesus taught us the value of giving.

-          I share my skills

-          I share the things I have

-          I am generous to others

Open to learn and improve

I am always open to improvement. I open myself to the new things I discover and apply this in my life. I never stop myself from exploring new things in life.


-          I accept my failures

-          I seek new learnings

-          I am using my past to improve in the present

-          I am studious in studying

Make a difference by serving others


We have a chance to make a difference and change the world. Being generous and humble will make someone inspire.

-          I am doing good things

-          I  share my skills to everyone

-          I make myself open to help others by lending a hand when they need

-          Being a generous person

-          I am living my purpose



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